0 babelonium: Stewart O'Nan


Stewart O'Nan

I just went on a Stewart O'Nan spree. I stared with Prayer for the Dying which appealed to me at first due to its plague theme. (Do you know anyone else who regularly reads the Weekly Morbidity and Mortality Report??) But what a ride! Suspenseful, nail-biting, and it made me cry too. Inevitability worthy of Shakespeare's tragedies.

Then I tackled Snow Angels (set in Butler PA). Very good as well, a little less polished, a bit more teen-angst-y due to the age of one of the main characters, a completely different book, but the same spare, elegant writing and gripping storytelling.

So now I am halfway thru Wish You Were Here, which is gentler and not as focused, but more focused on characterization.

I am wowed by my find and thrilled that there are almost half a dozen more O'Nan offerings to read.


At November 15, 2004 at 2:01 PM, Blogger Gina said...

SON does indeed have a book with Stephen King. It's called "Faithful", and is about their being Red Sox fans.

Just thought you'd want to know.


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