0 babelonium: Kids' Books


Kids' Books

Did anyone else see this in yesterday's NYT? I requested a few from the library, and I have to say I'm pretty excited about the new Jon Scieszka book.

I'm VERY curious about "The Tale of Paradise Lost". I'm not familiar with Nancy Willard, but her titles listed on the library's web site seem to indicate that she bends toward the Christian. I have no idea whether Ted will have an interest in this book or not, but I can see where it could open up endless discussions.

I'll keep you posted.


At November 15, 2004 at 4:43 PM, Blogger BabelBabe said...

Given Si's recent fascination with Peter Pan, I want to check out the Starcatcher one. And the Roger the Jolly Pirate one. And while Willard's PL doesn't particularly interest me, the review did make me want to dig out my copy of Pish Posh... for Simon. He too might really dig the pickle-winged bat.

I'll be curious about the Jon Sczzzkxkkzsiezkasfgysta...oh, I can't spell it and am too lazy to look it up. But he amuses me so I will check that one out too. Although Si didn't really "get" the Stinky Cheese Man...I enjoyed it.


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