0 babelonium: Tsunami relief


Tsunami relief

Red Cross seems to be the easiest (thru the Red Cross website or Amazon).

I recently read an article (I thought on Salon but I can't track it down) about the ways in which relief organizations use their funds. Some of them use something insane like 80% of your donations for overhead costs, which means less relief bang for your buck. So...check this for some info on your charity of choice:

The death toll has topped 150,000. The orphanages are packed with children who have lost parents. Judging by the pictures I've seen, the morgues are packed with parents trying to find their dead children.

I had no idea what a tsunami really looked like until I saw video. Check it out; it is, in the true sense of the word, awesome.

This particular link was the best at giving you the feeling of the impact and size of the waves (scroll down the previous page linked till you find it):
12:04am est 12/30/2004
Video Mirrors: 2 (6.2 MB) "The most amazing tsunami video I've seen" -Wizbang)

And in the interest of those who may want to show it to their interested kids, there are no dead bodies in that particular one.

Although anyone who knows me knows how I feel about the censored and cleaned-up version of news we get here in the States. We must be protected. God forbid we grasp the enormity and tragedy of the situation by seeing what conditions are really like. Just like we had to be protected after September 11. Ergh. See, I SAID don't get me started.


At January 6, 2005 at 8:48 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Anyone planning to watch the telethon the local networks are airing tomorrow night? I don't know anything about it, other than it was produced at WQED.

Val, have you heard anything from Ben? You mentioned seeing if he might know of a specific place to send the money directly . . . that would be pretty cool.

I think I'll just go with the Red Cross, unless or until something more direct comes along.

At January 6, 2005 at 2:14 PM, Blogger BabelBabe said...

I can' tbe there the 22nd but I am happy to contribute some food thing. How do I get in touch to find out what they need?


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