0 babelonium: Take Me To Your Leader


Take Me To Your Leader

I have to write a short paper on a leader I admire (busy work, as far as I can tell, for my Library Management class). This leader should be someone well known, and can be from history.

I may have to resort to Margaret Sanger, because I am drawing a blank on any leaders I respect and admire from the present time. Can anyone suggest a current leader to restore my faith in modern humanity?



At January 12, 2005 at 11:21 AM, Blogger BabelBabe said...

Completely busy work. Nonetheless, here are some ideas, most serious:

Howard Dean? better, Judy Dean? Anthony Romero of the ACLU? Patrick Dowd? : )

What about community leaders? For example, I would consider Amy Enrico a community leader. She heads a thriving business concnern that enriches and draws the neighborhood together and is very involved in civic affairs and events. But I guess she doesn't qualify as well-known...hmmm...

Check this page out: who knew the president of Ireland was a woman? And th epresident of Finalnd?

Although honestly I think Margaret Sanger is an excellent choice.

At January 12, 2005 at 11:21 AM, Blogger BabelBabe said...

and who knew I couldn't type to save my life? (Well, anyone who emails me, frankly.)

At January 12, 2005 at 2:07 PM, Blogger Gina said...

Do you think I could get away with doing Patrick? I mean, he's a leader. And past people have done Bill Cowher, who's LESS locally concentrated, but still . . .

What do you think?

Then again, Margaret Sanger's paper will pretty much write itself. We'll see.

Anyone else want to chime in?

At January 12, 2005 at 3:22 PM, Blogger BabelBabe said...

He's a leader, and he's well-known in Pittsburgh. As far as I am concerned, if Bill Cowher is ok, then Patrick is more so.

But you're right about the Sanger paper, and you wouldn't have to talk to her, just do research.

At January 14, 2005 at 9:05 AM, Blogger Gina said...

I thought of all of your suggestions, Suzanne, aside from Shatner (who's not a leader, but played one on TV) and the Ground Zero woman.

I think I'll stick with Sanger, because I'm L-A-Z-Y.


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