0 babelonium: what are we reading?


what are we reading?

I am halfway through an Emma reread (it's like meatloaf and mashed potatoes for the brain), and just picked up from the library Beryl Bainbridge's The Birthday Boys, and Shadow Divers. Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell still sits beckoning on my dresser, but there's no due date on that : )

And over the weekend, in the interest of brain candy enjoyers everywhere, I read a book called Hissy Fit which made me laugh out loud. As far as I am concerned, can much be bad about a book that makes you laugh?

Also dabbling around in and just wrapping up The Know It All .
As I mentioned to Gina, the section where the author does the St Vitus Dance at a wedding was worth the whole rest of the book, as far as I am concerned. Oh, well, and maybe when he gets a grammar citation from his eleven-year-old cousin. That was fairly amusing too. It's a decent read.

Anyone else? Suzanne, are you dabbling in Dostoevesky and Falubert in the original French? I knew it!


At November 23, 2004 at 11:44 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Cloud Atlas, Cloud Atlas, Cloud Atlas! I am ready to worship at the alter of David Mitchell. Number9Dream was cool, but this is really amazing. I keep falling in love with authors, and David Mitchell is my latest crush.

Before that I cruised through something called Inventing Beauty, which was filled with some cool pics of aborted plans for beauty products. The history of make-up and beauty in the 19th-20th centuries isn't a pretty one, and its (mis)adventures are almost always the results of women's ideas. So much for the patriachy keeping us down--at least in this respect.

Next up is Hissy Fit, thanks to Val, and then Christoper Moore's Fluke.

At November 29, 2004 at 9:20 PM, Blogger BabelBabe said...

I hated Persuasion because Anne was such a noodle. I mean, I loved it because it's Austen, but really...I just wanted to slap Anne. Grow a backbone already! She doesn't belong in the same ouevre as Elizabeth Bennet. (It's not as bad as S&S though, when poor Marianne ends up hooked up to some old man/colonel her sister and mother think perfectly suitable. He acctually seems like a decent guy but still...he's no Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley.) I don't know, you just might be in the wrong mood. Ditch it, hang onto it, and try it again sometime when you need comfort reading or something.

At November 29, 2004 at 9:22 PM, Blogger BabelBabe said...

also, we said hissy fit in NJ. but then again we say War-ter and Ore-ange.


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